Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Just for laughs.

In the clip above, it is said that the bride and groom were wearing microphones so that is why the laughter is loud and clear.  This  may not even be funny to you but I got a chuckle out of it.  

Holding back laughter is so hard when you know it's not the appropriate time or place.  For me, part of the humor in those situations is knowing I shouldn't be laughing. 
I once attended a graduation held in a gymnasium with seating in the bleachers. We sat fairly close to the top.  A lady behind us apparnetly had to make an exit about midway through the ceremony.  It was so quiet and her high heels clanked on every step.  If that wasn't bad enough, about half way down, her slip fell down.  She then become entangled with it and wrestled it all the way down. The harder she tried to pull it up, the more it wrapped around her legs, then her high heels. Thankfully, she did not fall but by the time she reached the floor, her only choice was to step out of it.  So there in front of thousands, she quickly stepped out of her slip and carried it in her hands.  Needless to say, she did not come back.  No one was laughing.  But I could not stop myself.  I knew her family was probably sitting right behind me.  You get the picture.  The harder I tried to stifle it, the more strange noises escaped from my lips. It took a lot to regain my composure. 
Have you ever been in one of those situations?  I'd love to hear about it.  

I could use some laughter today.  How about you? 
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. (Proverbs 17:22)


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