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I don't like pets in my house. Please don't go hating me. Most every single one of my friends have pet(s) in their houses. It's a personal choice. I love dogs and always had one growing up. My mom did not allow us to bring them inside except for puppies to nurture. I'd climb out of bed at night and sneak the puppy into bed with me because I could not stand to hear one cry. So let me assure you, I do like pets.
I just prefer they have their own space. Not to ignore, but somewhere to run and play and make all the messes they want. We'd never leave one out in inclement weather, etc. either.
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For those of you who keep yours inside, I'll happily pet them, play with them and let them sit in my lap when I come to visit. I enjoy that. Although, I do not allow my children to continually bother an adult guest in my house and think the same rule should go for pets.
I'm highly allergic to cats. Not the "sneezing and watery eyes" but the "absolutely can't breathe" kind. Without treatment, cats are lethal to me. I once became so ill, it lasted 3 months, all from one encounter with a cat.
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Nothing sweeter than puppy dog eyes. It would be hard for me to say no or scold something so cute. I really have a big soft heart for pets.
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Here's the reason for this post. In my last post, I told you how our house was not as we left it. Turns out the tenants had at least 8 dogs maybe 12 inside. The house was a dog house, not a people house. I can't begin to tell you of the filth that was awaiting us. So much damage has been done. I can't fathom how people lived in that type of mess. The smell alone was enough to make me sick. And for the first time, I had an allergic reaction to dog hair in the same way I've had to cats. Everything from the plumbing to the a/c unit has been damaged. I could go on and on but, I really desire for this blog to be a fun and positive place so details will be spared. In the upcoming weeks, we'll be replacing all the flooring, etc. Therefore, you'll know why we are remodeling.
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Each time I relay this story, my friends feel compelled to tell me how clean his/her pets are and how his/her house is not affected. I know that. I'd be the same way about mine. Unfortunately not everyone is so clean. What's even more sad is some do not realize how unclean they are. So if you have pets and you lease now or in the future, do not be upset at rules, pet deposits, etc. I pray you never have to live on this side of the fence.
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When I drove away from my house, I cried a little but then remembered things are only things... and things cost money, which made me cry a tad more.
Later that day, I saw my little buddy Gavin, the 3 year old who was diagnosed with cancer 2 weeks ago.
Nope. I really don't have a single thing to complain about.
Some of you have asked how he is. Perfect way to end on a positive note! The chemo has made him really sick but it only lasted for a couple of days. The best news is that it's working better than expected. His lab work came back great! The tumor is shrinking! We are praying for less chemo and a quicker surgery. Gavin has the prettiest dark hair and the longest dark eyelashes you've ever seen. The next round of chemo will probably take that so his mommy was going to get pictures made this week.
He was rather droopy when I saw him and this made me cry on the inside. It's hard to see a 3 year old who doesn't feel like running and playing. But we are so grateful he is still with us and all the good reports thus far! His parents are in great spirits and have a beautiful attitude. A lesson for us all.
God is good!
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